

童言童語: 語言治療師陳老師的自我介紹




所謂「筆記本」,顧名思義,就是讓我能分享一切所想的,以及作為一位言語治療師的我的工作經驗與心得。 於我而言,每一天裡我們都時刻在體驗,每個體驗都教我們成長。我明白到自己也需要謙虛得像好學不倦的學童,將每天所領悟到的道理、感受等細節,統統記錄下來,像填寫筆記本一樣。

一些華人家長的伴侶和華裔治療師曾向我透露,因為他們不諳中文, 所以不能透過社交網絡取得華語孩子的發展資訊。有見及此,本人採用雙語 (中文和英語) 撰寫文章,冀望這個專頁能為教導華語孩子的家長和治療師創造一個分享資訊的平台。

"About Me"
Hi everyone! I am a speech language pathologist who grew up in Hong Kong. After completing secondary school, I went to New York City for university and graduate school. In 2011, I obtained my credential from New York State and American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA). The following year I became certified by California State and have been practicing in public school there. I have predominantly worked with children. Being tri-lingual in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin, I have worked with Chinese-speaking families from East and South East Asia. From my little clients and their families, I have gained valuable experiences about speech language therapy as well as life perspective. Here via social network, I´d like to share my experiences with you.

Life is a journey of learning and our field has been constantly changing. I still feel like a student who jots down clinical experiences and thought as a speech language pathologist. So why don't I create a Facebook "notebook" to share with everyone?




